For the medical simulation a rescue helicopter of the type Eurocopter BK 117 is provided. This well tried and tested type of helicopter has been in use globally as a primary and secondary rescue mission helicopter for years.
The helicopter is kept in the simulation centre of the Johanniter Academy in Hanover, Germany. The academy offers all possible scenarios such as a complete flat, a building site or a road situation with accident vehicles are available. Simulation can be practised in these places or in a fully equipped ambulance of the company Ambulanzmobile.
The helicopter itself contains real-life equipment. The helicopter can be moved and can imitate certain flight manoeuvres. The surroundings can be adjusted to reality. Noise level, temperature and light can be changed accordingly. Communication inside the cabin is only possible with the helmet and the radio or intercom system. The most modern medical equipment is used for simulation. The dummies belong to the newest generation and include all age groups. The simulation itself is computer-controlled by the lecturer. It is also video-controlled and is afterwards analysed in a debriefing with the complete team.
New radio system
Since August 2019 a new radio system that was given to Christoph Life by the company of Sennheiser is in use. With the new system the communication within the helicopter was improved and problems such a s back couplings are no longer existent.