Therapies in Motoric Rehabilitation

Through physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and sports therapy, we improve the functional health and everyday skills of our patients during motoric rehabilitation. If possible, they should be able to move again independently and without restriction across all areas of life. Here you can get an overview of these forms of therapy.


In physiotherapy, we mainly work on the mobility of our patients with the aim of enabling them to participate more actively in their lives again.

A major focus is on mobilising and verticalising severely affected patients as well as on teaching them to take their first steps on level ground, if necessary with supportive aids.

We also train complex movements such as changing position, wheelchair transfers, climbing stairs, floor transfers, and outdoor or environmental training with our patients.

By initiating physiological movement patterns, strengthening and automating movement, improving coordination skills, and expanding the range of movement, we improve body awareness and the ability to interact with the environment.


The Neurological Rehabilitation Centre Godeshöhe stands for the interlocking of classical therapy methods with state-of-the-art technology. For many of our patients, relevant everyday movements are no longer possible to perform independently. Robotics helps us to mobilise severely affected patients in order to re-stimulate damaged structures such as the nervous system, stabilise the cardiovascular system, and intensively promote the relearning of movements. In physiotherapy, we use three robot-based or computer-assisted devices (Lokomat®, Andago®, and C-Mill®) for gait training.

These devices have different levels of support so that different devices can be used to support therapy depending on the severity of our patients' damage.

Occupational therapy

The complexity and severity of neurological disease patterns often limit the patients' ability to act. In occupational therapy, we train active, situational action in order to maintain or restore the greatest possible independence and freedom of action for our patients in their everyday lives and at work.

Sports therapy

Sports therapy is a movement therapy measure with the aim of improving the physical, social, and psychological functions with suitable means of sport. Integrated into the multidisciplinary treatment team, we apply therapies according to the individual movement and performance capabilities of our patients.

We carry out therapies mainly in groups of different strengths and objectives. Across all measures, we place particular emphasis on the playful, experience-oriented aspects, which awakens and motivates a desire for movement.

About your stay

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