Executive Board & Management
Clinic Management
Our dedicated doctors and nursing staff are there for you during your stay at the Neurological Rehabilitation Centre Godeshöhe. Here you will find our management team with contact details.
Klaus Köhring
Send me an email
+49 228 3810
+49 228 381640
Waldstraße 2-10
53177 Bonn -
Dr. med. Christian van der Ven
Leitender Oberarzt Rehabilitation
Send me an email
+49 228 381201
+49 228 381353
Waldstraße 2-10
53177 Bonn -
PD Dr. med. Katrin Rauen
Chefärztin Neurologische Rehabilitation, Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie & Psychosomatik
+49 228 381206
+49 228 381681
Waldstraße 2-10
53177 Bonn Bad-Godesberg -
Dr. med. Bettina Otto
Senior Physician, Acute Early Rehabilitation Unit
Send me an email
+49 228 381201
+49 228 381353
Waldstraße 2-10
53177 Bonn

Dr. med. Bettina Otto
Chefärztin, Fachärztin für Neurologie, Intensiv- und Rehabilitationsmedizin
Send me an email+49 228 381301
+49 228 3814917
Waldstraße 2-10
53177 Bonn Bad-Godesberg
Regina Lindemann
Therapieleitung Akut-Frührehabilitation
Send me an email
+49 228 3810
Waldstraße 2-10
53177 Bonn