Johanniter Therapy Centre GmbH

Every patient is different, every illness individual, every cause special. A personal conversation between patient and therapist, as well as a detailed examination, create a comprehensive picture of the patient's health condition. What symptoms does the patient suffer from and have there been previous illnesses, accidents, or operations?

Physiotherapy encompasses a variety of natural healing methods that treat movement and functional disorders of humans with the help of the body's own adaptive mechanisms.

Our aim is to reduce or heal your pain, and improve limitations of the musculoskeletal system, the internal organs, or the nervous system through external applications. There are active forms of therapy, in which the patient performs movements independently, and passive methods, in which movements are performed by the therapist.

Physiotherapy ideally leads to a harmonisation of body and soul, and creates an optimal general condition that heals or at least alleviates current illnesses and takes preventive action against further illnesses.

A wide range of physiotherapy is available to our outpatients.

Our services

  • Physiotherapy techniques/on the device
  • Sectoral alternative practitioners (Naturopaths)
  • Therapy centre
  • Heat therapy
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Sports physiotherapy
  • Bobath concept/therapy
  • Various massage techniques
  • Manual therapy
  • Lymphatic drainage/Lymphatic drainage massage for legs and face
  • Back training 
  • Fango (mud) massage
  • Marnitz therapy
  • Functional movement theory
  • Taping techniques/Kinesio tape for knee and neck/ PhysioTapes
  • Craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD) physiotherapy
  • Medical training therapy
  • Wellness treatments
  • Back school
  • Energetic techniques

About your stay

Find out more about your stay in our clinics.

Patient Services