Sports orthopaedics/ sports traumatology

We define sports traumatology or sports orthopaedics as the holistic care of sports injuries. In addition to the treatment of acute injuries, we focus on occupational and sports rehabilitation as well as injury prevention. It does not matter whether the patient is a professional or an amateur athlete.
The specialised department is led by head physician PD Dr. med. Kai Fehske. He has long-standing expertise in the medical treatment of high-performance athletes in both team and individual sports. For instance, he cares for the Würzburg national basketball Bundesliga team. Dr. Fehske is very well networked in sports medicine, both scientifically and professionally (in specialist organisations).

Our services
- Knee surgery
- Meniscus Tear
- Injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament
- Injuries to the posterior cruciate ligament
- Dislocated kneecap
- Patellar luxation
- Peripheral instabilities
- Fractures near the knee joint
- Regenerative measures of the cartilage
- Revision surgery
- Shoulder and elbow surgery
- Shoulder luxation
- Impingement of the shoulder (subacromial Impingement syndrome)
- Rotator cuff tears
- Disruption of the AC joint (acromioclavicular joint)
- Fractures near the shoulder joint
- Elbow luxation
- Ankle joint surgery
- Torn ligament
- Cartilage damage of the ankle joint
- Impingement of the ankle joint
- Ankle joint fracture
- Tendon and muscle injuries
- Biceps tendon tear
- Quadriceps tendon tear
- Patellar tendon tear
- Achilles tendon tear
We also treat children and adolescents.
Excellent treatment

Head physician PD Dr. med. Kai Fehske is a certified knee surgeon of the German Knee Society (Deutsche Kniegesellschaft DKG). He is also an instructor at the Working Group for Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Arthroskopie und Gelenkchirurgie AGA).