Speech and Language Department

Speech therapy deals with the diagnosis and therapy of communication disorders, i.e. speech, language, voice, and swallowing disorders.

Communication means exchange and participation. Those who lose their ability to speak are at risk of exclusion.

The muscles that enable us to speak are also used when we swallow. Not being able to swallow is a significant impairment to quality of life.

The aim of speech therapy is to support you individually in speaking or eating. Suitable therapy methods are used to improve or maintain impaired function. In addition, coping strategies in dealing with your illness are an important component of the therapy. Special attention is paid to the involvement of relatives during the therapy.

Since 2000, therapy-supporting computer programs have been a firmly integrated component of speech therapy.

Our services

Diagnosis and therapy of

  • Speech disorders (aphasia); this can affect grammar, vocabulary, language comprehension, reading, writing, arithmetic, gestures and facial expressions.
  • Speech disorders (dysarthrophonia); this may affect speech motor skills (mouth, tongue), breathing, phonation, articulation
  • Voice disorders e.g., in the case of vocal cord paralysis
  • Swallowing disorders (dysphagia), e.g., after a stroke, in dementia or Parkinson's disease.
  • Facial motor function in facial paralysis (facial nerve paresis)

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