

Neuropsychological diagnostics

The general admission assessment and, if necessary, follow-up observation of cognitive abilities and emotional states by means of standardised testing procedures, e.g. in cases of suspected dementia or after a stroke.

Neuropsychological therapy/brain performance training

The promotion of perception, memory, concentration, etc. through scientifically and clinically proven methods.

Biographical work

Memory care, e.g. by creating an individual biographical memory album, which can also be continued after the stay.


Depth psychology or behavioral therapy; accompanying acute depressive, anxiety-related, and other psychiatric symptoms.

Music therapy

Music therapy work according to individual needs assessment, e.g. for activation, concentration, coordination, and interaction support, biography work, and relaxation.

Our services

  • Help with and testing for dementia
  • Help after strokes
  • Help with memory disorders
  • Help with depression
  • Help with anxiety
  • Help with concentration disorders

About your stay

Find out more about your stay in our clinics.