Ein Mann wäscht sich die Hände an einem Handwaschbecken der Johanniter
For Clean Water and Good Hygiene

WASH – Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

WASH stands for water, sanitation and hygiene and includes measures that form the basis for a healthy life and are therefore highly relevant in many of our projects. These include, for example, the laying of sewage pipes, the drilling of wells or the creation of placenta pits in health stations.

More Local Knowledge about Hygiene

By training community health workers and supporting community committees, we can ensure that basic knowledge about hygiene is known and passed on locally. This includes information on how to wash hands regularly and thoroughly to avoid existing health risks and education about insects that transmit pathogens.

Access to Safe Water, even after Catastrophes

After natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods or hurricanes, the drinking water supply for the affected population is often interrupted or at risk for a long time. However, potable water is needed quickly to prevent diarrhoea from spreading and epidemics such as cholera from breaking out. In such cases, Johanniter distributes water purification tablets and hygiene kits and ensures that sufficient soap is available.