Strengthening the resilience of IDPs and host communities
Western Bahr el Ghazal region, in the communities of Wau and Jur River counties.
August 2021 - July 2024
Funding by:
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
What its about:
Vulnerable communities with internally displaced people in Jur River and Wau counties have increased resilience to conflict- and poverty-related stress triggers
1. self-sufficiency of vulnerable households in targeted communities with nutritious food is improved
2. children under 5 years of age in the target communities have improved nutritional status
3. residents of the target communities have improved access to safe drinking water and they practice good hygiene
4. women and girls in the target communities are more empowered and able to act in a safe environment
Target group:
Women, girls, children under 5 (CU5) and men from host communities with IDPs and returnees in Wau and Jur River County, Western Bahr el Ghazal State.
Examples of activities:
Planting and equipping community gardens with seeds and tools.
Training of 8,700 participants from vulnerable households on vegetable production and innovative farming methods
Training of 1,200 women in entrepreneurial/income-generating activities
Formation and support of 9 mother-to-mother support groups
Nutrition and health education in schools
Repair and construction of 30 wells, construction of 6 latrines, installation of 200 hand-washing stations
Conducting hygiene sensitisation and awareness raising in communities
Number of people reached:
Direct: 35,400