Frauen in einem Gemüsegeschäft auf den Philippinen
In the Philippines

we support people affected by natural disasters. In communities that are frequently surprised by natural disasters, we strengthen the resilience of the people living there.

International Assistance in the Phillipines

Why we are on site

The Philippines is one of the largest countries of islands in the world. Due to its geographic location, the country is one of the countries most affected by natural disasters. The island groups, their populations and ecosystems are subjected to tropical storms and typhoons, flooding, droughts and earthquakes. The effects of climate change exacerbate the situation. In addition, earthquakes and volcano eruptions are frequent occurrences. Social inequality in the country is great; a quarter of the population lives below the poverty line and often has no access to sanitation or clean drinking water.

Years Active in the Country
We have been helping in the Philippines since 2011
Staff Members
of Johanniter work on site
could be reached in 2021
Partner Organisation
implements the projects on the ground

What We Achieve Together with Our Partner Organisations

Johanniter International Assistance has been active in the Philippines since 2010 and assists its people before and after natural disasters. We strengthen the resilience of the population living on site with our local partners. Together with the at-risk communities, the local authorities and further participants, we collaborate to develop measures for disaster prevention and adaptation to climate change. This includes strengthening local capacities to improve the response to natural disasters in the long term with locally available knowledge.

Project News from the Philippines

Ein Frau mit Mundschutz steht mit Pilzen in den Händen vor dem Projektbanner

Philippines: Averting the creeping disaster


In the Philippines, an association of nine local coastal communities is adapting to the slow changes caused by climate change. In future, development plans there will take into account the results of climate risk analyses.


GROWTH - Grassroots Organizational Development – Working Towards Humanity


The cross-border GROWTH project supports ten grassroots civil society organisations from Myanmar, Cambodia and the Philippines in their organisational development.
