Preventing avoidable blindness and visual impairment

Project Area:

West Bank and East Jerusalem


01.12.2020 - 30.11.2023


St. John Eye Hospital

Funding by:

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

What it's about:

The project aims to provide eye care services to the most vulnerable Palestinian population in East Jerusalem and the West Bank: refugees, people living in hard-to-reach and isolated areas, mainly Bedouin and farming communities, and people with barriers to accessing eye care services, such as women, girls and people with special needs. 

Examples of activities:

Develop a primary eye care (PEC) curriculum and model adapted to the Palestinian context.

Screening of PEC patients in UNRWA health clinics and referring medical facilities.

Provision of necessary medicines and consumables for mobile services

Provision of equipment, supplies and instruments for examination and treatment

Provide advanced diagnostic procedures and clinical and surgical treatment to patients at SJEHG in East Jerusalem and satellite clinics.

Number of people we reach:

Direct: 238,036 people