Livelihood security, reintegration and self-determined development of mine victims and their communities

Project area:

Eastern Bago Region


01.05.2019 - 30.04.2024


Karen Development Network (KDN)

Funding by:

German Federal Foreign Office

Target group:

The project directly targets 78 communities in two townships and 13 villages in Shwe Gyin County in Bago Region, as well as 2 communities in Taungoo and 16 villages in Phyu, which have been severely affected by decades of past conflict and landmines, as well as mine victims and people with disabilities from adjacent areas.

What it is about:

The overall objective of the project is to advance the participatory rehabilitation and development of IDP communities with high numbers of mine victims. This will be done through a participatory project approach in which the mine victims themselves play a leading role in their physical and psychological rehabilitation and social reintegration. Through self-help groups, so-called Community Peer Support Groups (CPSGs), they also engage in general community development processes, for the improvement of public services and in the reconciliation and peace process.

Examples of activities:

Distribution of cash and in-kind assistance to meet basic food needs.

Establishment of social funds

Continuing to provide inclusive peer support and psychosocial support to mine victims

Provision of vocational training

Conduct hygiene training

Distribution of ceramic drinking water filters and latrine kits

Conduct training on safe water and community water management

Raising awareness on sexual and reproductive health

Number of people we reach:

Direct: 68,854 people