Rückkehrer in Myanmar
In Myanmar

we support the people with medical expertise, disaster preparedness and measures to improve their basic source of income.

International Assistance in Myanmar

Why we are on site

Since 1948, Myanmar has witnessed armed conflicts between state security forces and various ethnic groups. The country has 135 ethnic groups in total. While minorities such as the Christian Karen fight for greater cultural and political autonomy, in some cases by armed force, the Muslim Rohingya are deprived of their citizenship.

Despite an opening toward democracy and economic progress, the country is one of the most fragile states. Myanmar is characterised by weak state structures, a lack of basic utilities and persistent displacement. Large segments of the population suffer from poverty and food shortages. Due to the use of landmines, in many areas, the freedom of movement is restricted. Along with its the internal conflicts, Myanmar has to deal with natural disasters. According to the United Nations, the country is one of the countries most affected by natural disasters worldwide. We promote peaceful and inclusive coexistence by protecting, restoring and improving the livelihoods of people and communities in areas affected by conflict.

Years Active in the Country
We have been supporting people in Myanmar since 2008.
Staff Members
of Johanniter work on site.
could be reached in 2023
Partner organisations
implement the projects on the ground.

What we achieve together with our partner organisations

Johanniter International Assistance has been active in Myanmar since 2008 together with partner organisations in the fields of health, nutrition, WASH and disaster preparedness. By taking measures to improve people’s basic source of income, we increase the resilience of particularly vulnerable communities. Our target groups are ethnic minorities, internally displaced persons, returning and host communities. In the case of landmine victims, we pay particular attention to their self-determined development, their physical and psychological rehabilitation and the strengthening of their social integration. We promote peaceful and inclusive coexistence by protecting, restoring and improving the livelihoods of people and communities in areas affected by conflict.

Project News from Myanmar

  • Myanmar: Two years after the Coup d'Etat

    It is the second anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar. Since then, millions of people in the country have been living in great fear and poverty.

  • "Whole villages are being burnt down"


    The violence and civil war in Myanmar are on the rise, and access to the suffering population is becoming increasingly difficult. The consequences of a third wave of coronas have been devastating in recent months.

  • After the coup: "I am very worried"


    After a process of democratization in recent years, the military took back control in the Southeast Asian country in a coup on Feb. 1, 2021.
