Improving the health of IDPs and the local population in three districts

Project region
Mozambique - Cabo Delgado Province, Districts: Quissanga, Metuge & Montepuez.
Funded by:
12/2022 - 11/2026
Internally displaced people, vulnerable local/receiving populations and returnees, and local government & civil society health and WASH structures have increased resilience to conflict, climate and poverty-related shocks and crises.

Basic health & WASH structures & infrastructures: The aim is for target groups to have improved access to crisis-resistant and barrier-free basic health and WASH infrastructure and services through strengthened local capacities and government and civil society structures.
Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Reducing climate, conflict and poverty-related disaster risks for the target population by reducing their exposure and vulnerability and strengthening local capacities and structures in disaster risk reduction (prevention & preparedness).
Food security and livelihoods: We aim for the target groups to sustainably improve self-sufficiency with nutritious & sufficient food through stabilisation, adaptation and transformation of their livelihoods.
Local conflict transformation: social cohesion and peaceful coexistence at intra- and inter-community levels improve through conflict prevention & transformation.
Number of people we reach:
Direct: 20,118 of which female: 10,611 / male: 9,507
Indirectly: 279,900
A total of 85 local structures such as community WASH committees (local health workers) and community health committees.