Income-generating activities in Manica and Sofala


Manica/ Sofala in central Mozambique.



Funded by:

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)


7/2022 - 4/2025

What it is about:

The project aims to promote income-generating measures for disadvantaged women in rural areas in central Mozambique.
On average, 7 people live in a household. At the start of the project, the households had an estimated monthly income of the equivalent of 19 euros and were therefore living well below the absolute poverty line. 89% of the able-bodied population work in agriculture, but there is hardly any (further) processing of the products, and there is a lack of knowledge, skills and the means to earn a higher income.

These are our measures:

Support for educational institutions
Women organise themselves and learn skills such as sewing or agriculture
Education and savings associations enable microloans for business start-ups
Women can set up their own small businesses
The project utilises the regional principle of associations for self-help
The women and associations supported should serve as role models
Microcredit cooperatives are created as small financing institutions in the project areas
Other inhabitants of the three project districts benefit from the cooperatives.

This is how many people we reach

directly: 4,050 people, 53.5% of whom are women

indirectly: 820,000 inhabitants of the three project districts