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In Lebanon

we support refugees from Palestine and Syria. We are committed to improve career prospects among young people with and without disabilities.

International Assistance in Lebanon

Why we are on site

Since the end of the civil war, Lebanon has been considered economically unstable and politically polarized. The country has been home to Palestinian refugees since 1948. They live under precarious conditions in the refugee camps in the south of the country. Ever since the outbreak of the Syrian war, Syrian and Syrian-Palestinian refugees have also sought refuge in Lebanon. The camps are overcrowded and offer neither sufficient space nor food for the people. However, since a registered place of residence is the basis to be recognised as a refugee and to obtain a work permit, many people live in poverty. Registered families are also often dependent on international aid, as jobs are in the low-wage sector, are very limited and only a few people are able to provide for themselves. 

Years Active in the Country
We have been supporting people in Lebanon since 2012.
Young People
were supported in their vocational training
could be reached in 2023.
Partner Organisations
implement the projects on the ground.

What we achieve together with our partner organisations

Johanniter International Assistance has been active on site since 2013 and supports the people in the refugee camps through partner organisations. In the past, people living in the camps received hygiene and food packages as well as relief supplies to equip them for the winter. In addition, we also provided support for health care in the city of Majdal Anjar on the border to Syria. Together with our local partner “Naba'a”, we are currently offering vocational training for young refugees with and without disabilities from three Palestinian refugee camps. This puts them in a better position to generate their own income and to provide for themselves in the long term.

Project News from Lebanon

  • The Fatal Effects of the War in Ukraine

    There ain't no rest for the people in Lebanon. The war in Ukraine is a danger for the local people - even though there are almost 2,000 kilometres between Kiev and Beirut.

  • Medical care for Syrian refugees

    The difficult economic situation in Lebanon also leads to a deterioration in health care. Johanniter therefore continues to provide medical care for 30,000 Syrian refugees and vulnerable Lebanese in the Bekaa Valley.

  • Global Price Increases Hit Johanniter Projects

    Lebanon: Prices rise Fourfold

    Johanniter calls for urgent financial support of global nutrition programmes
