Improving basic health, WASH and nutrition services

Project area:

Cabo Delgado, Mozambique and North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo.


01.09.2022 - 31.08.2025


Fundacao Wiwanana (Mozambique)

Funding by:

Federal Foreign Office and Aktion Deutschland Hilft

What it is about:

The WASH project aims to improve basic health, WASH, nutritional and psychosocial services for the local population in a needs-based and gender-specific manner. The overall objective is to contribute to saving and preserving human lives and to alleviate the acute suffering of the crisis-affected population, particularly young children and pregnant and breastfeeding women. 

Examples of activities:

Training of local health workers, provision of medicines, equipment and supplies for health centres and rehabilitation/ construction/ repair of local health centres.
Emergency emergency measures to access WASH Basic health care Monitoring/prevention/treatment Malnutrition, provision of therapeutic food and medicines.
SGBV surveillance and prevention activities, community-based SGB.

Number of people we reach:

Direct: 105,735 people

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