Strengthening the resilience of the population in the health and SGBV area

Project area:

Katoyi and Mweso


1 December 2022 - 30 November 2025


Departement Provincial de la Santé/DPS and Bureau Chef de Zone/BCZ

Funding by:

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Target group:

Entire population of the 13 targeted health areas, incl. IDPs, returnees and host families. Specific activities for vulnerable populations.

What it is about:

This project is aligned with the objectives of the government's current operational plan for the health zones. The health zones are to achieve the following objectives: (1) The first-level health services (Centre de Santé, CS) are to be strengthened. This includes services for reproductive health, mothers, newborns, children and adolescents. (2) Strengthen first-level health services. Second-level health services (Hôpital Général de Référence, HGR), including the package of reproductive health services for mothers, newborns, children and adolescents; (3) Strengthen the membership of municipalities in mutual health insurance and other insurance schemes.

Examples of activities:

Construction of 5 new health facilities and rehabilitation of 4 health facilities in Katoyi.

Provision of medical and non-medical equipment and installation of solar kits in 9 health facilities

Construction of 4 water supply and 2 rainwater collection systems, installation of 14 water points and rehabilitation of 2 water pipes

Training of health centre staff on inclusion of persons with disabilities and other vulnerable persons and on SGBV

Conduct training for women's and girls' groups, health care providers, government agencies and other stakeholders on SGBV, protection of vulnerable people and community-based monitoring.

Establish eight safe spaces for victims of sexual violence and train staff in psychosocial support for SGBV cases.

Number of people reached:

Directly: 92,991 people