Strengthening the infrastructure of support systems and the resilience of vulnerable people in Baghdad

01.09.2021 - 30.04.2024
Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights
Funding by:
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
What it is about:
The project activities aim to support people in their reintegration. Not only a lack of vocational, but also social and medical services, makes it difficult for many returnees to regain their footing and return to a daily routine upon arrival. Our project proposal aims to help returnees, IDPs as well as host communities in this process, providing them with psychological and medical support to create the appropriate conditions.

Examples of actions:
A fully functional Jiyan Foundation centre has been established in Baghdad
Capacity building for external health workers
Local health workers in Jiyan and external health workers received various trainings during the project cycle
Awareness raising sessions
Psychological treatment
Provision of social services
Provision of medical services and referral to external specialists
Number of people reached:
Direct: 2,007 people