Active Worldwide

In the country and regional offices, our international and local staff supervise and implement the projects and programmes.

Currently active
Former activities
Keine Ergebnisse.

Text noch nicht dynamisch!!! Die "Regenbogennation" Südafrika hat eine bewegte Geschichte mit Rassentrennung und Befreiung von der Apartheid hinter sich. Als politischer und wirtschaftlicher Riese in der Region des Südlichen Afrika spricht Südafrika auch ein gewichtiges Wort in der Weltpolitik mit, zu Hause steht das Land aber vor immensen sozialen Aufgaben.

Zur Landesseite

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Your Donation Counts!

Your donation supports the People on site. Help now!

Engaged With Partners and Teams in 20 Countries


  • Kenya

  • Uganda

  • South Sudan

  • Mozambique

  • Democratic Republic of the Congo


  • Lebanon

  • Palestine

  • Jordan

  • Iraq

  • Afghanistan

  • Myanmar

  • Cambodia

  • Philippines

Latin America

  • Ecuador

  • Colombia


  • Ukraine and neighbouring countries

Our Promise: Your Donation Reaches Its Destination!

What We Achieve in the Projects

  • Locust Plague in Kenya

    Millions of desert locusts are eating up the fields in the Horn of Africa. Malnutrition and a food crisis is rising. We advise - and support with vouchers.

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  • No Income Due to Corona

    The closure of the border with Thailand means that hardly any food or other products are reaching the border area in Myanmar. Working in the neighbouring country is no longer possible for many. We support the people in need.

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  • Health and Education for Women in Ecuador

    Since December 2017, we have been giving marginalised women in the Ecuadorian province of Sucumbíos better access to health and education as well as to political and social participation.

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