Mozambique: Hygiene material handed over to health authorities

Übergabe der Hilfsmittel an die Gesundheitsbehörde der Provinz Manica
Übergabe der Hilfsmittel an die Gesundheitsbehörde der Provinz Manica.

Berlin / Chimoio, 23 April 2020

On 18 April, the organisation Kubatsirana handed over important materials to the local health authority in the province of Manica to help fight the spread of coronavirus. In total, Kubatsirana is providing 150 tons of water, soap and chloride solution for water purification, which will be placed in busy places such as markets or bus stops.

With several washing points in one place, we want to prevent people from having to queue for a long time to wash their hands. The more material we can provide for this, the better.
Ernesto Tuja, Head of Kubatsirana

In addition, health activists are using megaphones and bicycles in three districts to inform people about the risks posed by Corona. Together with market managers, they will monitor the use and condition of the water bins. Posters in the local language will be placed near the water containers to inform about preventive measures.

As a partner organisation of Johanniter International Assistance, Kubatsirana initiated the first seed and tool distribution in the context of emergency aid after Hurricane Idai last year. Currently, the organisation is supporting communities in Manica Province, among other things in agriculture, in order to achieve rapid self-sufficiency. Due to the corona pandemic, the new hygiene measures were integrated into the ongoing project. Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world and has only a weak health system. A large number of COVID-19 cases could have devastating consequences, making preventive measures all the more important.

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