Project Cycle With Concerted Standards

Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PMEAL) are essential components of each project cycle. We work on our own PMEAL system to develop our projects in a context-specific way.

A planning process (P) is providing space for developing desired results together with partners and local communities on the basis of a needs assessment and a context analysis. On the one hand, monitoring processes (M) are necessary to observe if all activities lead to desired outputs and improve the living conditions of the selected target groups. The result are reported to the donors and the involved communities. On the other hand, monitoring results foster organizational- and team learning as lessons learnt are developed and shared between Johanniter teams and partner organisations. The derived findings will be incorporated into further activities.

Evaluations (E) are a more comprehensive way of monitoring that allow, often with support of an external consultant, to reflect more profoundly on assumptions and achievements of the project during or after the implementation phase. This also enables us to show transparently whether and how funds have been used effectively.

Internal PMEAL System

Our country offices predominantly work with planning and monitoring approaches of third-party donors. Due to their abstract orientation, however, these are not always suitable for developing projects on site in a context-specific and culturally sensitive way together with local partners. Johanniter International Assistance is therefore working on its own PMEAL system. This process is based on the concept of action learning and action research. It is shaped by a participatory, bottom-up approach to meet the needs of the country offices and their working realities. PMEAL staff and contact persons from country offices and head office review proven PMEAL methods and jointly search for a suitable standardisation. It enhances organisational learning as it generates a regular horizontal exchange on PMEAL across all country offices.

PMEAL Levels at Johanniter International Assistance: