High Quality Support – worldwide

Together with partners all around the world, we care deeply about people, the health of every individual and human relationships. To this end, we are focusing our work on two overall objectives: Ensuring survival and strengthening resilience. We tailor our measures to the needs of the people affected and work closely with local partners.
Using international quality standards, self-commitments and own requirements, we regularly monitor the implementation of these measures. The valuable results of our impact monitoring are then incorporated into the new projects. In this way, we are constantly improving our work and implementing our claim as a learning organisation.
Quality is checked and constantly improved
We involve the population and local actors such as civil society organisations in every step of a project. Whether the aid reaches the population as planned, and whether the use of funds is justified is checked by both staff in the country offices and project managers from Germany on regular monitoring trips. Interim reviews, evaluation workshops and interviews with project participants and employees all show whether measures have been implemented correctly and the stated objectives have been achieved, or whether adjustments are necessary. Each year, selected Johanniter projects are reviewed by external experts. Their recommendations are incorporated into future project design.
Since 2017, our headquarters in Germany has received international DIN EN ISO 9001 certification every year following an external audit.
Our strategy
Learn more about our goals, approaches and methods for the coming years.
With Strong Partners at Local Level
We strengthen the visibility and role of local partner organisations.
Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
PM&E are essential components of each project cycle.
Our Network
In order to continuously improve our work and learn from others we are members of different networks.
Prepared for Humanitarian Challenges
Just as in other areas of life there are international quality standards that apply to humanitarian aid.